In this article we will discuss about the methods and techniques used to control liquid waste from electronic industries. Learn about:- 1. Preliminary Planning 2. Treatment Systems 3. Effectiveness of Treatment. Preliminary Planning: Sources: Many of the chemicals used for microelectronic processes eventually end up as a waterborne waste problem. There is a large demand […]
How to Control Liquid Waste from Electronic Industries? | Environment
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Noise Pollution and Its Control in Mining
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The noise is now being recognised as a major health hazard; resulting in annoyance, partial hearing loss and even permanent damage to the inner ear after prolonged exposure. The problem underground is of special importance because of the acoustics of the confined space. The ambient noise level of the underground mining area is affected by […]
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Noise and Its Control in Paper Products Industry
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Noise is present with nearly every phase of paper product production, from the cutting of trees to converting the paper into a final product. Reduction of the noise of these operations is a challenge of tremendous magnitude. Placing this noise problem in proper perspective, it is seen that all of the major noise problems of […]