The phosphorous cycle is considerably different from the nitrogen cycle. Rather than a predominantly biochemical cycle, the phosphorous cycle is basically a geological cycle. This is because the major reservoir is the lithosphere, with the principle inputs from the erosion and weathering of phosphorous deposits. Large amounts of phosphorous are eroded and washed into the […]
The Phosphorus Cycle: Forms, Sources, Effects and Detergents | Biogeochemical Cycle
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Essay on the Phosphorus Cycle | Nutrient Cycles | Biosphere | Environment
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In this essay we will discuss about the phosphorus cycle with the help of a diagram. Phosphorus is one of the nutrients of major importance to biological systems and is the constituent of energy rich compounds e.g. ADP, ATP, GTP. It is also found in plasma membrane, shells, bones and teeth. Phosphorus is indispensable for […]
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Essay on the Phosphorus Cycle | Ecosystem | Environment
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This article provides an essay on the phosphorus cycle. Phosphorus is a major constituent of biological membranes, energy rich compounds and nucleic acids. In addition, many animals also need large quantities of this element to make shells, bones and teeth. Since phosphorus does not occur naturally as gas, its cycle, unlike those of carbon and […]