In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 2. Global Action against POPs 3. Sources 4. Personal Action on POPs to Reduce Risk 5. Factsheet 6. POPs Problem in India 7. Collective Action 8. “The Dirty Dozen” POPs 9. Additional POPs 10. Notes 11. Factsheet. Contents: Introduction to Persistent […]
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Global Action, Sources, Problems, Factsheet and Notes
Bioremediation: Principle, Need, Advantages and Limitations | Environment
In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Introduction to Bioremediation 2. Principles of Bioremediation and Biodegradation 3. Concept and Requirement 4. Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons 5. Advantages and Limitations. Contents: Introduction to Bioremediation Principles of Bioremediation and Biodegradation Concept and Requirement of Bioremediation Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons Advantages and Limitations of Bioremediation 1. Introduction to Bioremediation: […]
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Phytoremediation: Limitations, Applications and Classification | Environment
Phytoremediation is a bioremediation process that uses various types of plants to remove, transfer, stabilise, extract or destroy contaminants in the soil and groundwater. Concept of Phytoremediation: There are different types of phytoremediation mechanisms used to remove or detoxify contaminants from soil and water is discussed as follows. Rhizosphere Biodegradation: In this process, the plant […]